
Oh, I forgot Morrissey!

I was just reviewing some of my blogs and I realized that I forgot to write about seeing Morrissey over the summer. Can't believe I forgot to mention that...I had waited almost 15 years to see him! The concert was everything that I expected that it would be: Morrissey sweated through a slew of dress shirts, changing them on stage and showing the crowd his late 40s naked torso. A bunch of folks attempted to get on stage to hug the star; a few succeeded. He did a lot of Bush bashing and teased the straight girls in the front rows. Like I said, everything that I expected! Interestingly, my friend and I saw a near fist fight breakout. This heavyset couple were standing a couple rows down from us and this other, very drunk, couple were behind them. The drunk guy apparently kept spilling his beer on to the chubby chick down below, who was becoming more pissed by the second. She finally turned around and yelled something at the drunk guy who replied, "loose some weight." She gasped and cried, "I'm pregnant asshole!" At this point her husband felt the pressure and pointed his finger at the guy and then to the walkway below them, indicating that he wanted to fight him down there. Instead, he went to seek out a security guard and the drunk couple slipped away. Priceless.

Anyway, my triumph of the summer was seeing at least half of The Smiths. I caught Johnny Marr with Modest Mouse earlier in the summer.

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